Course curriculum

  • 1

    Confirmation. What is it?

    • What is Confirmation

    • What IS Confirmation? What is NOT Confirmation?

    • My Faith

  • 2


    • Welcome: Marcus & Pastor Kevin

    • What did you learn?

    • Video: Pastor Kevin

    • Video: Marcus

    • Introduce Yourself with a Video

  • 3

    Old Testament Review

    • Old Testament Review

    • What did you learn?

    • Open Your Bible

    • Old Testament Bible Exploration

  • 4

    New Testament Review

    • New Testament Review

    • What did you learn?

    • Open Your Bible

    • New Testament Bible Exploration

  • 5

    Luther's Small Catechism

    • Intro to Luther's Small Catechism

    • What's your "Why?" question?

  • 6

    The Lord's Prayer

    • The Lord's Prayer

    • Our Father in Heaven: Introduction

    • Our Father: In the Bible

    • Our Father: In the Catechism

    • 1 - Hallowed Be Thy Name: Introduction

    • 1 - Hallowed Be Thy Name: In the Bible & Catechism

    • 1 - Hallowed Be Thy Name: Putting it Together

    • 1 - Hallowed Be Thy Name: Prayer

    • 2 - Thy Kingdom Come: Introduction

    • 2 - Thy Kingdom Come: In the Bible

    • 2 - Thy Kingdom Come: In the Catechism

    • 2 - Thy Kingdom Come: Putting it Together

    • 2 - Thy Kingdom Come: Final Thoughts

    • 3 - Thy Will Be Done: In the Bible

    • 3 - Thy Will Be Done: In the Catechism

    • 3 - Thy Will Be Done: Putting it Together

    • 3 - Thy Will Be Done: Final Questions

    • 4 - Give us this day our daily bread: Introduction

    • 4 - Daily Bread: In the Bible

    • 4 - Daily Bread: In the Catechism

    • 4 - Bonus - How to make Bread

    • 5 - Forgive Us: Introduction

    • 5 - Forgive Us: Bible & Catechism

    • 6 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Introduction

    • 6 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation: A Question

    • 6 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation: In the Bible

    • 6 - Lead Us Not Into Temptation: In the Catechism

    • 7 - Deliver Us From Evil: Bible & Catechism

    • 8 - Power, Kingdom & Glory - Conclusion

    • 8 - Power, Kingdom & Glory - Reflection

  • 7


    • Intro to Baptism

    • Baptism: w/ Marcus & Kevin

    • Baptism: What did you learn?

  • 8

    10 Commandments

    • Intro to The 10 Commandments

    • The 10 Commandments -- in the Bible

    • The 10 Commandments -- in the Catechism

    • 1 - You Shall Have No Other gods: Introduction

    • 1 - You Shall Have No Other gods: In the Bible

    • 1 - You Shall Have No Other gods: In the Catechism

    • 1 - You Shall Have No Other gods: BONUS!

    • 2 - You shall not take the Lord's name in vain: Introduction

    • 2 - You shall not take the Lord's name in vain: In the Bible

    • 2 - You shall not take the Lord's name in vain: In the Catechism

    • 2 - BONUS - Why is God's name spelled LORD in my Bible?

    • 3 - Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy: Introduction

    • 3 - Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy: In the Bible

    • 3 - Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy: In the Catechism

    • 3 - Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy: BONUS

    • 4 - Honor your father and your mother: Introduction

    • 4 - Honor your father and your mother: In the Catechism

    • 4 - Honor your father and your mother: In the Bible

    • 5 - You shall not murder: Introduction

    • 5 - You shall not murder: In the Bible

    • 5 - You shall not murder: In the Catechism

    • 6 - You shall not commit adultery: Introduction

    • 6 - You shall not commit adultery: In the Bible

    • 6 - You shall not commit adultery: In the Catechism

    • 6 - You shall not commit adultery: BONUS (Ask a Question)

    • 7 - You shall not steal: Introduction

    • 7 - You shall not steal: In the Catechism

    • 8, 9 & 10 - You Shall Not

    • 8,9 & 10 - You Shall Not: In the Catechism

  • 9

    Confession & Absolution

    • Intro to Confession & Absolution

    • Confession & Absolution: w/ Marcus & Kevin

    • Confession & Absolution: What did you learn?

  • 10

    Apostles' Creed

    • The Creed: Introduction

    • AC - With Pastor Kevin & Marcus

    • AC - Reflection

    • Article 1: Pastor Aaron

    • AC1 - With Pastor Kevin & Marcus

    • AC1 - Reflection

    • Article 2: Pastor Aaron

    • AC2 - With Pastor Kevin & Marcus

    • AC2 - Reflection

    • Article 3: Pastor Aaron

    • AC3 - With Pastor Kevin & Marcus

    • AC3 - Reflection

  • 11

    Sacrament of the Altar

    • Intro to Sacrament of the Altar

    • Sacrament of the Altar: w/ Marcus & Kevin

    • Sacrament of the Altar: What did you learn?